Garnishment is a process that is the source of much contention and is frequently misunderstood. If you find yourself in a position where you are owed money, garnishment is usually a last resort. You will need to file a request with a court in order to begin a garnishment in Michigan.
How to start the process of garnishment
Wage garnishment is one of the most common landlord and creditor services that you can have recourse to. In most cases, you will only do so as a last resort when all other methods have failed. You can initiate the process of garnishment by filing a Request and Writ for Garnishment. This needs to be filed with the court that entered the initial judgment against the person you are garnishing.
The writ that you will file is an official court order that begins the process of wage garnishment. Its purpose will be to order the person you are garnishing to give you the money that they owe. The money that is garnished can come from their bank account. It can also come directly from the paychecks they receive.
What do you need to file a request?
The process of garnishment begins when you file one of three possible forms. These include:
• A writ for periodic garnishments
• A writ for non-periodic garnishments
• A writ for garnishment of an income tax refund or credit
To complete the form, you will need to include the garnishee’s name and address. You will also need to list the total amount of the payment that they owe you. You should include any other information about the debtor that is relevant. This will help the court to identify the person you have named.